My Introduction


I’ve signed up for the half marathon.Never shared my poetry before, so this will be interesting.

From my profile: I started writing when I was twelve years old on a steel underwood manual typewriter that weight as much as a Cadillac Escalade. Wrote science fiction short stories that were promptly and righteously rejected. Then life hit. Marriages, divorce, careers, whatever. Worked as a bank manager, trade photographer, full-time award winning real estate agent and finally as an Assistant Dean at a university, where I managed the financial department, and taught freshmen classes. From 2000 to 2010 wrote a popular blog filled with mostly humor. After that some of my short fiction was published and recently I published a book of humor. Just finished a 70,000 word crime novel that is making the rounds of literary agencies hoping someone will pick it up.

Poetry? I have always wrote poetry. Always for myself, as a way to connect with the universe and my deeper self. I have hundreds of poems This will be the first time I share my poetry so that will make this marathon more interesting. I wonder if I will be able to write a brand new poem every hour of the marathon. One can’t artificially create a poem out of nothingness. It must have roots in your heart or soul. I can write a short story about anything, but poems….they are different dragons.

I live in a small unknown town in Florida, USA. I am from Miami originally and lived for a time in Boise, Idaho. I am married with a daughter and four cats. I love nature, astronomy, photography coffee shops and coffee. Writing is not an option for me, but an essential component of life.

I wish everyone excitement and luck!


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