
A nose is a very important thing.
It helps you find the fragrance of life well lived.
Some noses are big and other noses are small.
some noses have trouble smelling anything at all.

Some noses get in the business of others because they have none of their own.
some noses can smell trouble a mile away; some noses can smell trouble, but have very little to say.
A helpful nose knows when something is wrong and can smell a crime before things can get out of hand, but it’s funny how these noses never want pay Or recognition if they are being of service to their fellow man.

A nosy neighbor can be a pest, but they can come in handy if they are not afraid to speak when the time is right and make it their business when they are needed in the fight.
Everybody’s got a Nose whether it works as designed by our maker above.
It is very much needed even if it takes up too much space.
It’s a marvelous thing to have in the center of your face.
It’s your nose and it can never be replaced.

2 thoughts on “Noses

  1. Oh yes!!! I finished the half marathon!! It was indeed a challenge, but I’m glad I did it. I hope the poems are interesting and thought provoking too. Much success to all the full marathon writers. You are more than half way there.

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