Time is passing
can you feel how quickly it moves?
It’s going by so fast
it’s like a whirlwind that never stops
the days are almost running into one another like a train wreck ready to happen.
Time has no favorites
it doesn’t care if you are ready
it makes no exceptions to any rule
time is just time regardless of your name. or social standing
whether you are rich or poor time won’t make an exception.
Time is not a color
Time is not a race
time knows how to abide in just the right place
it doesn’t belong to any special group of people
time reigns in the realm of eternity.
Day or night, time is just time.
Some people waste time.
Some people disregard time.
some people never have enough time
Time can’t be captured in a bottle
time knows no bounds
it exists to be used and abused by those without a clue.
Time is just time.