
We would walk up
on tippy toes
into the frigid bay
July heat forcing us
to see relief

With each successive ebbing wave
we would rise up
avoid the next higher
line of cold depth
soaking into our suits

until finally
one of us brave enough
would inhale deeply
and submerge
disappear from light and air

the rest of us
fortified by the challenge
each took our turn
until only one remained
how we’d coax and cajole

It’s not that bad once you get used to it
C’mon, it feels great
Just dive in and get it over with

with shivering giggles
the last of us would sink
down below the surface
jump up hooping and hollering
as though birthed anew

[Prompt 1: Write a poem about being in water. It can be about swimming, the shower, a bath, the rain, etc.]

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