The night is for sleeping.
All the world is at peace
but I channel surf till my fingers burn
and my head swims with images
that are not my own.
I close my heavy lids,
but my mind speaks nonstop –
buzzing like an angry saw – back and forth –
filtering my time to dream and rejuvenate
with dread and exhaustion.
I walk to the window and listen to the darkness.
Everything is silent and safe out there.
But in here, I succumb to noisy ghost thoughts
that cause me to curl into a ball and pray
for sleep to come. My leg twitches and I think:
“I’m falling asleep,” but then my eyes widen
like tulip bulbs bursting forth.
But somehow, just when I have given up all hope,
I stop hearing or seeing or thinking.
And then the morning comes. I have way to many of these nights.