The day of the bluebirds (Indiana in April)

Five women gather at the meadow
to hear the rangers talk about bluebirds –
how they are related to robins and
almost went extinct because of habitat loss.

The rangers are young women,
and they are enthusiastic about the birds,
showing off a nest in a plastic container and
explaining how nest boxes helped the bluebirds recover.

Then we walk through the dew-damp meadow under the oak trees and
we learn to check the boxes.
We knock on each box to warn any birds, then
remove the nails that keep them closed.

We hold our breaths as each box opens –
One is empty, waiting for a nest.
In another, there are three eggs like blue jewels.
In yet another, a group of fledglings peep, ready for their first flights.

We are giddy with each discovery and energized.
We have seen the bluebirds,
we have witnessed the miracle of new life.
Somehow in this meadow, our own wings have grown stronger.

5 thoughts on “The day of the bluebirds (Indiana in April)

  1. I love how you convey the power of the Bluebird experience. It fills me as a reader with that fragile joy and affection we feel when we see vulnerable creatures who survive against the odds. The first and last line convey the human experience oh so well. I love this poem so much.

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