Wipe your tears
The war within you is over
Healing is a process and it will take time
Wipe your tears and keep walking
Keep walking until you reach the end
‘Wher’ you see the lights
Glowing through thick walls
It is obvious to feel doomed
But you have survived those dark times
Look forward to a new journey
Pick up those wildflowers on the way
Just walk up a little further
Do not stop on these roads
Let the wildflowers grow
Worries will come and go
But I will hold your hand
I assure you this will be different
I know you will rather relive those painful memories
But girl, you have always been you
Let’s try once again.
*From the perspective of a healer
© Divya Venkateswaran
I like the line about picking wild flowers. Wild flowers are, well, wild, so it takes courage to pick them. Overall, an empowering poem!