I would climb a mountain for you; rocky, steep, and snowy
The mountain would speak to our souls, clouds floating around our heads
We would make the trek to the treacherous peak, silent and together
We would take in the marvelous views, pikas and mountain goats.
We would bake in the sun, even as the snow swirled at our feet.
I would take on this fantastic journey, my body pushed to its limits
I would experience the highs and lows, fear of the great heights
With struggling breaths we would journey on, fighting for the summit
With trembling limbs we would trample on, the path a slippery slope
I would find the strength to tackle this goal, breath coming hard and fast
I would climb a mountain for you, rocky, steep, and snowy
I would take on this fantastic journey, my body pushed to its limits
With no thoughts to our safety, just the ultimate target of accomplishment
I would follow you to the end, feet bruised and back aching
But you would never ask me to climb a mountain with you
Because our paths have never crossed.
Might be for the best.