Hour 11 – Homeless Persona

You Could Be Me

I can see you as your feeding
parking meters without heeding
this sign I am holding, pleading,
trying to feed my family.
I see you on the cell phone calling
someone as my baby’s bawling.
On my face the tears are falling;
suffering such indignity.
My hands I am wringing, kneading,
hoping this time you will see
but for God’s grace, you could be me.

Do you know the life I’m leading?
No you can’t for you are speeding
while I stand here simply needing
proof of my humanity.
Find a way to keep on hauling
ass so you won’t be caught stalling!
Is it me you find appalling,
or must you rush back home to pee?
It’s alright, your eyes I’m reading.
You’ll pretend you just don’t see
but for God’s grace, you could be me.


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