Can this become a poem?
This… touchy… subject…
Perhaps a work in progress
as we all are, after all.
I learned today
to never say
“You make me feel…”
to a narcissist.
Except, I like that song.
True… it does give away power.
So does the song, but
in a sweeter way.
Narcissists push engagement
when one would rather
walk away.
Why is that?
“You” is not constructive.
“I am…” is self-empowering.
A narcissist will still attack,
minimize, criticize, gaslight,
scream, yell, trivialize,
and on and on.
Pray for them?
That’s where I lack faith.
Walk away from them?
Sigh… I’ve tried.
And tried, and tried.
They need me…
And that’s SO strange!