Dear Unmentionable Organization
Whose unjust nature creates
Hell from a handbasket,
Look, this wasn’t my idea, you know…
The 1962 thing.
All I did was stick out my tongue
Trying to make the son of a bitch laugh.
I was a toddler, for God’s sake!
Just a loving little girl
Who thought everyone in the world
Loved her back.
I expected a hug,
And a smile.
And we got an attack.
Now, tell me that isn’t crazy.
I’m trying to figure it out.
You see, I’m all grown up now,
Nearly sixty years old,
Though that opportunistic freak
You called a leader said otherwise.
So, let’s face it, Bro…
Although, you say we’re all in this
You and I both know we’re not.
Out here, we’re adults.
We admit when we’re wrong,
And we know when we’re right.
We’re fair, and we seek justice.
You, on the other hand,
We’re not so sure that these
Mountains of molehills are all that
Forward thinking
Relative to the good of the world.
We disagree that
Embarrassment over not really being
The Greatest
Is all that big a deal in the grand
Scheme of things.
Everyone else knows we’re not,
After all; so, who is being fooled
By whom?
The answer to that is you,
And you.
Full circle.
The circle of crazy.
Waving flags at one another
To the point that all are blinded
By the cloth.
Quite a circus you’ve got going on there
In those “great” halls.
Now, if we could get some adults
In the show…