… we went to the store and bought a big blow up pool, white and light blue. We filled it with air, then filled it with water. You were giddy! You marched, jumped, danced, stole the hose and drenched us all. You played hard, laughingly.
When your lips went blue, and shivers overtook you, we ran a warm bath, made simple dinner, and you tumbled around the living room floor with your brothers. Then, you crawled into my lap and we both fell asleep to the big boys playing video games,
It was a really good day for brothers, sticksword fighting, running, chasing… a really good last day together.
I took photos all day. I didn’t realize they would be the last. There were never anymore of us all together.
I hope somewhere inside you, some part of that last day still lives. I hope you will remember it again when you are grown and we find you.
Elizabeth Fellows
6/27/2020, 9am