I am a verser, a rhymer
I believed I am
I considered myself one heck of a verser
But to be one
You have to be a word-miller
At any given instance, situation.
I am not that, I mean, dictionary-wizard, apparently
I could create several poems, verses, rhymes
I could do, at the least, 3 poems simultaneously
Sad, yes. Melancholic, more so
A heartbreak, oh me oh my, a hundred?
Joyous? Wow, what a beautiful world!
Elated? Incredibly eloquent!
And Ecstatic? Simply unbelievable…
So, disembarking from the high horse of
recent events
I am humbly re-introducing myself
trying to be a verser, a poetess
With or without the drama
I am trying to be one hell of a verser, a poetess, a rhymer
I am now you know..in the midst of a tearjerker..
getting there…