
Ever since I saw the photos
of those giant heads made out of stone
I have dreamed of the island

The most remote land mass in the world
floating somewhere halfway
between Chile and Tahiti

A mystery still
how those huge rocks moved
why they are facing away from the ocean
a culture barely understood
of birdmen cults
long ears
short ears
a tiny dot on a map
devoid of trees
stranded in the vast Pacific
with just a bunch of statues

and a couple of rongo rongo tablets
that no one can decipher.

What happens when a people gets locked
in their past
their history long forgotten
but so public in its permanence?

Do their voices get carried in the wind
long lost by the gales of the sea?

Are their secrets whispered amongst the underwater sea creatures?
Like mermaids who never existed
outside of human dreams?

No one will know
only the statues
with no mouths to sing their stories
and no eyes to cry for their lost past

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