2020 poem 9, prompt 9 – Write a poem containing at least five of the following ten words. If you want it can include all ten words. Firefly, Bottle, Mask, Porridge, Zoom, Lethargy, Treeline, Heat, Strange, Cottage

Hitting the wall of her first poetry marathon

Lethargy was setting in and her thoughts
darted around like a firefly trying to escape
from a bottle. She sensed a strange heat
at the back of her throat and believed
she saw the masked shadow of self-
doubt lace through the treeline.

One thought on “2020 poem 9, prompt 9 – Write a poem containing at least five of the following ten words. If you want it can include all ten words. Firefly, Bottle, Mask, Porridge, Zoom, Lethargy, Treeline, Heat, Strange, Cottage

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