Queen Ana Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba

Born with a cord around her neck

foreshadowing power and pride,

she was taught by Portuguese missionaries.


Her father, king, trained her for battle,

showered her with affection; the daughter

of his favourite concubine.


She wore traditional attire to a treaty meeting,

they expected her to sit on a mat

but underestimated her belief in equal status,

she had her servants bend over backwards to become her seat.


Held up as a goddess but with mortal complexity,

for thirty years she lead her army into battle

she fought against Portuguese invasion

she fought against slavery

she fought for peace and liberation

she had her lovers fight one another

for a night in her bed

then executed the winner the following day.


She died at 82, was laid out in leopard skins

with her bow across her shoulders

and arrows in her hands.

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