
Pick a place.

Anywhere on this planet.

You’ll likely find chaos.

Suffering. Pain. Cruelty.

Oppression. Greed.


Humans can be a pretty despicable bunch.

Have we even yet seen the extent of

man’s talent for debauchery?

I fear not.


Sometimes it’s overwhelming.

We wake up not knowing what atrocity

will be the Breaking News this morning.

Catastrophes. War. Disasters. Famine.


Some say it’s always been this way;

we just know more.


I disagree.

There’s always been evil, yes;

but the creativity of man has led to

ever more inventive methods of

exploitation and abuse.

We are a creative lot.


But I have an antidote to the despair and misery,

for those who need relief.



Find a forest

or even a single beautiful, growing thing.

Outside is best, but inside works, too.


Sit with it.

Breathe it.

Be with it.


For while we humans often behave destructively,

nature seldom does.

And the hearts of good people

can take only so much of witnessing profanity.


We need a solace.


Dr. Me prescribes sunshine, flowers,

the wind playing in your hair,

bare feet on good earth.

Ice cream cones, clear water,

walking in showers, playing in the sea,

a brilliant red tree in a field of gloriously purple lavender.


The fresh new smell of fresh new babies:

human, puppies, kittens, chicks, goats.

Most any baby will work.


Remind yourself that this Earth still has beauty,

still has goodness,

still has joy.


You mustn’t look only at the ugly things.


Save yourself from despair with Nature.

One thought on “Antidote

  1. This poem deeply, deeply resonates within me. I have spent much of the last two year inside, my only outlet to the world coming through a black glass filter which seems to show only the moments of chaos, pain and suffering. Humanity at it’s cruelest. Even the beautiful parts of life, the children born to our friends, the grass, the trees the new life of nature in Spring become sources of great jealously and guilt as we only experience them from afar, like living ghosts.

    This poem perfectly captures the feelings of refreshment and reengagement I have felt as I have slowly ventured out with the safety of my four walls to some solitary time in nature.

    Truly wonderful writing, thank you for writing and sharing this poem.


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