There was no bypassing or avoiding her-
This black, forbidding, shadowed figure,
She stood at the end of my narrow road,
Her arms outstretched, her dark head bowed.
I could not deviate, turn aside,
I had no precedent and nobody to guide
Or introduce me, or wish me cheer,
In my confused state of fear.
The light of a rainbow in the sky
Illumined her face, and i wondered why
I had been so afraid, unsure,
For her glowing face was calm and pure.
As i grasped her hand, i lost all fear,
And walked with her into a sphere
Of light– a higher plane of existence.
Good use of rhyme throughout. Details were also spot on, namely in the characterization of death. Poem itself succeeds in that it’s a tidy story about fearing and embracing something so integral to the human experience–death.