I’d set myself to composing an anthem,
a song of wholeness and reconnection,
I deconstructed the bops that moved me.
It didn’t come easy—
we wrestled in rounds for two weeks
my face repeatedly smashed into the stone
I was so close to giving up.
There are no angels in this story,
just personal demons on one shoulder,
on the other Mary Oliver and found family
trained in the art of luring the lightning into bottles
It took a spin in the cosmic Yahtzee cup (not stirred)
and by the machinations of the universe,
the constellations aligned just right
Through the flickering beam of light
emerged my face, the one I wore months ago,
the size of a billboard rocking out on the big screen
As the video finished, the crowd applauded
I fished the pockets of my fanciest jacket,
scrawled with gold, to blot away the rivulet of tears
pulled out of me by seeing and hearing myself
so big, claiming my chosen given name aloud
This was interesting….
That is an eerily vague response…
This poem written during my 18th hour of consecutive wakefulness is the recounting of creating a rock adaptation of Mary Oliver’s “Wild Geese” and collaborating to film a music video for it. That video was shown in a collection at a local movie theater. It now serves as a time capsule for my coming out as transgender.
This might clarify some things: