A marvelous artist with a perfect eye captured her better than a photographers’ lens.
Her countenance stood out from the shadows showing the victory over her pain.
Her porcelain skin was flawless and yet looked cold to touch.
She now lived comfortably in her soft, black velvet gown.
Although her hands seemed fragile, her face announced her strength.
Many years of training her body to behave gave the garment a graceful place to reside.
Yes, she was confident. She earned every bit of that emotion.
She fit into every expectation of her regal station, yet her mind knew she broke every mold.
Powerful feminism piece, Gina! Spoke volumes beyond its lines to me. 🙂
Thank you. It looks like there is so much more to her beyond the painting. Can’t believe I can even focus on her after this many hours. LOL