I hear the children playing in the summer heat, families cooking in the kitchen, and water cooling the thirsty plants of the earth.
The purest expressions of life, yet in this same space silence, outrage, and hatred flow freely.
Domestic terrorist protected under the same law that fails to hold sexual predators in this country accountable.
On June 17, 2015, blue waters surround the Holy City, drowning out the voices of diplomatic reasonings for the murder of nine souls praying under the eyes of God.
866 miles away
On May 14, 2022, at the head of the Niagara River, flowing around the City of Good Neighbors, blaring blue lights surround Tops Friendly Market.
1,700 miles away
On May 24, 2022, along the Leona River, waiting for turmoil to explode into desperation for answers.
In memory of Charleston, SC; Buffalo, NY; Uvalde, TX victims and their families.
Kind Regards from Johannesburg South Africa.
I enjoyed reading your poem. It is very insightful.
Violence should never be condoned especially against innocent n children.