Take for Granted

Take for Granted   (Poem 6)


there’s a lot that we


like social media

farmers markets in summer

the sun coming up in the east

and setting in the west


but what if these assumptions

and a lot of other ones

were false?


could it be that our lives

and all the complexities

of this planet are just

constructs of a third grader

who made a terrarium

on planet Xymtrador

in solar system Piscrimidin?


On another day he might

have made the earth flat

while making us the same as now…


Well…permit me to jump into this possibility

and peek over the edge to see what is there…


I’ll be the scout and report what I see:

The other planets are the same as the round versions

but they look like interstellar frying pans.


The stars are too far to tell, but it seems they’re

less pointy and the light from them doesn’t twinkle so much


and if I look beyond the stars…way, way far away

farther than one would guess you can look

there seems to be a shrouded round childish face

and yes, if I look in just the right way

I can see him better…and it looks like he’s laughing.

2 thoughts on “Take for Granted

  1. Thanks Cin,
    Sounds like you plugged into the fun I had with that poem!

    And I just read your Hope poem…
    Congratulations on doing all 24!
    Feels like you were so tired and all edits long gone…so you concisely summed up your life in a few lines

    Heart-felt intentions
    Over-all contentment
    Purposeful aging
    Energetic creativity

    Nice work!
    and thank you!

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