4th in Fresno

Its Mamo’s birthday
Sidewalks are fry an egg hot
Her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are all in the spot
Lighter fluid squirts over charcoals like a super soaker
Flames dance around the bars of the grill
Lemons from the tree in the back yard have been cut, squeezed, and mixed with water and sugar
Large aluminum trays are filled with beans and potato salad
Shirley Ceasar in the background singing a gospel ballad
The smell of roasting links, burgers, ribs and chicken become the back drop for children playing games
Homemade icecream is the back of the mind of all the kids old enough to know the ritual
The German shepherd/Greyhound mix Annie sits near her house proudly enjoying her bounty of bones and scraps.
As dusk falls the next location calls
Caravans of our clan drive to our cousins farm
My pops struts with his arms full of fireworks
Grow snakes begin to dance in the dirt and young hands hold sparklers
Now it’s time for the big show

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