Under the Umbrellas

As she has done for so many years, she watches from the office window as each umbrella passes on the street below. She plays a game with herself, guessing the lives of each passerby


Solid black

Boring. A businessman who pretends to be well-organized but can barely keep himself together. He’s walking to a coffee shop for a black coffee. He will brag about it later to his female coworkers and none of them will be impressed


Yellow polka dots

Bubbly. A woman in her thirties. Excited for each new day. Hides her insecurities beneath a mask of smiles. She’s on her way to an interview for an entry-level marketing position. She hopes her ten years of experience are enough


Blue plaid

Down-to-earth. A college-aged man. He’s bright but was coddled by his family. He’s on his way to class in ill-fitting clothes. His mother will call in a few days to remind him to wash his sheets


Red and white floral

Lavish. A middle-aged-woman who’s coming home after work. She’s been career-driven for her whole life, but her husband still expects her to cook dinner for him. Once home, she will make a simple meal in silence while her husband watches TV


There are many more umbrellas to choose from, but the day is finally done. She puts on her raincoat and heads home

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