Blessed to have the ears
to capture moonlight voices
and delicate strokes of a guitar.
Fortunate, beyond measure,
to have the mind ready to draw pictures
of words sung into eternity.
Proud, of my sensitive self
tied up in childhood memories
of the Creative spirit.
Blissful in knowing,
that perhaps music will never be so good again,
but the art of film was invented just in time.
If I ever lost my ears,
at least I have heard the deep tunes
of a spirited man.
If I ever lost imagination,
at least I have known lyrics
made to turn the ordinary, sublime.
If I ever lose my youth,
then there will be no worry,
graceful age will make the sunrise all the more beautiful.
If I ever lost imagination,
at least I have known lyrics
made to make the ordinary, sublime. – so strong, so sharp
Thank you!! 🙂 I’m going to have to go back and edit so many things at a later date, but for now just having lots of fun! Also making it a priority to read everyone else’s work – so many brilliant minds in the marathon.