This island has felt many griefs
Blood flowing in generations past
The sacred valley of Iao
The battle of Olawalu
Blood red Wai
sacred bones buried deep in the hillsides
But this grief is new
Instead it is ash
Homes leveled
Businesses gone
Artwork lost
Human remains unclaimed
Human remains not found
Burned out cars
The smell of smoke and despair
The loss as big as the Pacific
Tears and chants
Songs and sorrow
Blistering memories of what is lost
Lahaina burns in our memory
It too will become sacred ground
Just like Iao and Haleakala
The West Maui Mountains
stand in reverence
The story will be told in hula
The sadness will be generational
encoded in DNA
Life goes on
As the dead are buried
mourned and celebrated
One step forward
Rebuilding what was lost
An island grieving
Within the volcanic rock
and the honeycreepers song
The ocean breaks
Hopelessness will dissipate
But the change
as palpable as when the Islands
were stolen
And land sacrificed
This grief is internal
This grief belongs to Hawaii
This grief will not go away.
This grief is Maui