Obsolete-Hour 17

The cassette tapes

Were talking to the CD’s

Seems they never get touched anymore


Placed on a shelf

While the digital music replaces them


The albums are long gone

Victim to one too many moves

They all wondered where they were now

In a landfill perhaps


The cassettes lamented how they loved to be wound and rewound

How they were soothed when a pencil saved them from certain doom

The CD’s in their high and mighty way

Talked about how they missed doing the shuffle on a Saturday night


They shared grand stories of giant stereo systems

With AM/FM radios

Speakers that took half a room

How their music pounded the walls

Until the neighbors complained

“That was rock and roll,” the cassettes sang

” Those were the good old days,” sang the CD’s


They looked at one another

Longing for the olden days

They stared at the MP3 player gathering dust

” It’s all in their phones now,” it said.

“We have been sold out by microchips and convenience.”

They all sighed

Wondering if they would end up

In a second hand store,

In the garbage

Or left on a shelf forgotten

The future looked bleak for them all



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