Light for you and for the World
Because it is probably very dark out right now
for you, as it’s been for the world in the hands
of a callous virus, I’ve chosen to walk the lonely
path with you. Songs for you, mother. And for
the world too, to lighten our walkways to a place,
where the palms of God are a haven of songs.
Picture the seraphs singing beautiful songs
of hope. Hum them, songs. And sing them aloud.
I opted to be a poetry marathoner rather than a mourner,
composing songs for you to carry in your mouth –
full blown flowered roses for you, mother.
Light for the world, for me, for us, too afraid
to sleep at night: a monster lurks behind our doors.
I am awake, running poetic marathon for a day,
no sleep to gift you songs in the form of poems,
to lighten your grief or burn them into flakes.