All that glitter #2023poetrymarathon #prompthour3

For the marathon I went with the image prompt for hour3. But I knew I would come back to the text prompt when I had the time. Now time is at a premium in my life, specially on a Monday morning but I’ve managed to nudge this into being among meetings and cases and what-nots! All thoughts will be deeply appreciated!



All that is gold does not glitter,

Most thinks that glitter are fake

Once, I tasted the sunshine on your skin.

I heard the purples in your smoldering eyes

Ian Anderson played in Brabourne Stadium,

Your eyes refused to let me in,

But your body had another string to pluck

And your mouth opened wide for me.

The fact that I survived was your masterpiece

I was the chudail you could not control

With that red jacket and curls flying in the wind.

Those stormy nights of irreverence.

“Atma ke koshto dite nei,”

So we unburdened our souls of guilt.

Daylight swore into the darkest nights

While you swooped into skies hunting prey.

Ipsy was waiting, always on the sideline

Hands immersed in the bloodied moon

That was the one mistaken thought

that you would come to regret.

Corrosive days and alcohol-coloured dusks

Bleed them into one so that they last forever!

Quien eres realmente mi querido?

Reality is never real, purrs the cat.

All that was gold never did glitter

Lost forever in that sun-kissed skin.

6 thoughts on “All that glitter #2023poetrymarathon #prompthour3

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