Poem 6: A Tribute to Sylvia Plath “Picking”


Blueberries like the sea

enough to drown my sorrows

But where is a path

for my inspired feet to borrow


My basket

not large enough for this swallowing ocean

As I bend to gather

in a blue-flesh commotion


My fingers bloodied

asking to be dipped in wine

As I count to infinity

Picking berries divine


There is smoke in the distance

and the cry of gulls

Protesting my invasion

of uncertain culls


Am I here to conquer

my doubts and fears

Hoping that someone will hear

my unconquered cheers


I see green and blue

the glorious pungency released

and then grab a cluster of flies

Drunk on the sensuous feast


I find an oasis

a clearing of rock and determined moss

and sit, looking at where my sorrows

Have drowned like pitied dross


But I am still here

Useless in my escape

Unable to return to the basket’s home

where thatched dreams are destroyed by rape

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