Alice has seven sons,
but six are actually hers.
I just include myself,
seeing that I am the one
she calls whenever she needs
something “important” done.
Number 1 in her heart;
number 1 on her speed dial.
Master of nothing, I’m a jack of all trades.
“Just Google it and get me a hammer.”
Doctor, gardener, poet, psychologist,
pool boy, chauffeur, secretary, chef,
friend, personal trainer, greeter, host,
beach buddy, delivery man, lifeguard.
The list goes on
like a rollercoaster without an end.
We often finish each other’s sentences,
and we accept the never-ending salad bowl at
Olive Garden as a challenge.
She loves Shakespeare, lasagna, and
“It’s to die for,”
is uttered after almost every desert.
I hope I have her energy when I hit 80.
Just talking with her can make me exhausted.
Everyone needs an Alice,
because she makes life go on
with laughter and love.