As I stand before the washing machine,
I realize that nothing has changed in ten years
Except the size of her clothes.
Yesterday, I sprayed SHOUT! all over the blemishes
ground deep into the fibers of her clothes;
Grass stains on the knees of her jeans,
Juice stains down the front of her shirts.
Her socks, hopeless.
Today, I spray SHOUT! all over the blemishes
ground deep into her the fibers of her uniforms;
Grass stains on the knees of her softball pants,
Dirt stains down the front of her jersey.
Her socks, hopeless.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I realize that nothing has changed in ten years
Except the size of her clothes.”
You had my attention completely from these two lines! Repetition is used so effectively throughout this poem. I love how you build to the ending.