
She laughs, pauses, then laughs again.

It is infectious, this child’s laughter.

We don’t know what she finds so funny,

but we can’t help but smile at

the pure joy

the innocence

the beauty

the freedom

the trust

the unbridled passion

the discovery

She takes a breath and looks around

Sees the joy in our eyes and on our faces

Sees how her mirth triggers ours in an

endless cycle of humor and happiness.

We look at her and see ourselves before

the cares of the world wore us down.

We are reminded, in that moment, of what it is

to take joy in the wonders of the world.

In that little girl’s laughter, we hear the echoes of

our innocent selves and see, in her, the possibilities

Of a brighter, more beautiful, and joyful future world

And she laughs again.

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