Wild life in Cascadia national park
Chipmunks scurry, hurry,
dart this way and that
Jackrabbit bounces
through fallen pine stand
Horseflies and houseflies
take turns buzzing your head
As rude little boys on a hike are lead
Spiders spin webs
of triangular hammocks
Bluest bluebird hangs
on a twig above the bear box
While woodpecker dines
From successful knocks
Black and white moths
dance to strobes of light
While mosquitos bite
with quite an appetite
Ladies in their jammies tiptoe to the Lou
And lezzies, besides us
just do what they do
in their tent with no fly
While we gaze their way
without having to spy
we make plans of our own
To do what’s been shown
With a wink and a nod
We’re off to bed in our R-Pod