None So Blind

None So Blind

You see him as a hero
a role model to look up to
but you refuse to see
the mean side he tries to hide.

You know he has a record
plead he deserves a second chance
but you don’t know that he’s been
behind bars many times before.

Truth is the truth,
not what you believe.

You hear her gossip
about a friend, and to look cool,
like you belong, you join in,
criticize the innocent.

You don’t stop her or yourself;
slander slashes your friend,
and soon you’re the subject
being snubbed.

Truth is the truth,
not what you believe.

Listen to fools on the news
to radio jocks spouting crap
and if you follow like sheep
you’re doomed to fall into a pit.

Believe everything you read
and you are in for a rough ride;
trash rags are only good
to line the puppy’s cage.

Truth is the truth,
not what you believe.

Just because she is family
doesn’t mean she can’t lie;
if your gut tells you not
to trust her words, then don’t.

Blood may be thicker than water
but greed and jealousy know
no bounds. Trust the truth,
stay safe, stay true to yourself.

Truth is the truth,
not what you believe.

~ J R Turek
June 26, 2021 Hour 14

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