Lab Report

Lab Report


After school I took the stairs up to the third floor,

the chemistry lab, to finish the project.

The hall was empty this late

and I was the only student in the classroom.

I mixed what I had to mix, wrote down results.

The teacher came out of his small office

and watched as I soaped and rinsed

and placed the tubes on the drying rack.

I picked up my books, held them across my chest

as girls did and turned to say goodbye.

Wiping his hands with a rag, he said,

You’re very sheltered, aren’t you.

I had no idea what he was getting at.

I was a gabby girl but I had no words to answer.

Yes, I had watchful parents, my mother once

about to call the police because I didn’t call

from my friend’s house after school.

Was that what he meant?

What exactly did he want me to affirm?

I said goodbye sir and remembered

how much easier it is to walk downstairs then up.

But it wasn’t only gravity that pulled me down.

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