Habits of a Curated Life After Robert Hass’s Habits of Paradise

Habits of a Curated Life


Perhaps if I left the refrigerator door ajar

it would trend. Would I influence

wannabes, elicit elegance?

(My kitchen sparkles in morning light.)


If I captured the unwavering undertow,

moved waves of followers who yearn

for an ounce of sleekness, and if

this time I cared nothing for adulation,

power, elevated Instagrams, tossed stories,

would my light still beam perfection your way?


A child opens her eyes to a world of 

keyboards and grass, both smooth on skin.

Does it matter which pulls her closer

to herself? Identity is relative, not urgent.

Her smile, one post away from strategy.


Her mother is made of silver. Her mother 

a social media zeitgeist.


Friends and neighbors wait eagerly, eat space & time.

She runs outside, leaves still life for later,

glazes a future with unforgettable moments.

What power, to woo with this magical touch.


June 26, 2021

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