I’ll Wait
Keep ringing the doorbell in the rain, I’ll wait
for you to leave before opening to check
if you’re a man I want to let in and grasp
at your shoes, yanking them off in desperation
to rid yourself of rain that seeped past
your socks and clings to your toes, I’ll wait
before my hand shakes and I lean and grasp
at the round, cool handle keeping you out. I’ll let
the rain fall, let it drench your core, let you shiver
as you hover on my stoop and wait.
The phrase that came to me while I read this was “you’re soaking in it.” How many times have we longed to force people to soak in it – to wait until they fully understand the situations they are walking into? I appreciate the multi-layered imagery in this piece and how your words force us outside to wait in the rain, too.
Thank you.