Poetry is a thing with rules.
More guidelines than actual rules
rhyme this, rhythm that,
make sure it has some kind of flow,
goddammit, if it doesn’t you’re a hack
and you can’t follow the simple rules.
tell me tell me tell me
Tell me this, then, oh Grand Poet Wizard
if I must adhere to your rules, can my lines
tell me tell me tell me
Or will you say “get out?” I must instead
practice law, medicine, science, or some other more noble endeavour. That is where the money is don’t you know?
“I have a friend on wall street,” “my father works for a firm you see,” “What makes you the proper candidate for such a noble endeavor?” I’d say my inability to march in a straight line.
tell me tell me tell me
The eternal question for artists… I say always break the rules and make what is in your heart. Love the line: ‘my inability to march in a straight line.’