Inspired by: ‘The middle of night interlude where dreams may or may not happen.’
Moonlight shines
on the back of her neck
suggesting muted colours, light textures
a flowing arc
I am intrigued, enchanted
but keep a respectful distance
This moment is a haven
I am but a wanderer seeking sanctuary
Yes, I may find temporary solace
in the warmth of an embrace
but it is the feeling
that will protect me
long after body becomes memory
I close my eyes
Her presence tinctures the air I breathe
I am inadequate, but she does not share such concerns
I sigh
I am comforted
And when my open eyes
reveal the illusion
the shimmering moonlight
carries a tint
that was not there before
I will be all right
(22 June 2019, Hour Seven)
This poem flows nicely and has good rhythm – I like the theme and this line is great: long after body becomes memory…
Thanks. Memory lasts a lot longer than we give it credit for.