And so it begins or so it ends
Clarity, confusion, chaos
All, on your World View, depends
Your World view depends on all you’ve seen,
What you’ve read, and where you’ve been
Are your roots dug deep in words or planted in
The chaos of sin?
Perhaps your roots yanked up just as fresh growth could begin
–Just as life’s understanding desired to expand,
Perhaps your World view moved no further
Than the three-hundred-sixty degrees to be seen from your
Native soil and the exact spot you where were born
Perhaps wanderlust took you far and wide
Allowing you to cast preconceived, and elder taught ideals aside
Wiring so different for creatives and strategists causing divides,
Healing requires putting opinions aside
Your truth is yours to own, and mine is my own,
The foundation, for which, will one day be known
And the consequences individually we own.
“Healing requires putting opinions aside.” Yes, yes and yes. A great perspective on life.
Thank you!
Thank you, Cinzia! Your comment inspires me to keep writing, just when I thought few even read my poems this year.