After attempting and accepting,
Barely balancing between battling blissful,
Calamity creeps, casually comparing,
creatures categorized, concepts conceptualized,
Darling daughter, disown drama,
Emotions Evolve, encompassing environmental encounters,
Fabulous familiar friends faithfully family,
Gratefully gathering, generous gestures,
Happily home helping,
Important images increase infinite imagination,
Jets jerk Jezebels jaws,
Kangaroos kiss koalas kneeling,
Leaving legacies, little lasting litigations,
Many manages multiple marathons making memories,
Naturally negating negative, notifications,
Opting onward onto optimism
Quietly questioning quality,
Refusing ridicule, refusing representatives refusing reprimand,
Surprising successful seeing scary scenarios,
Thoroughly trying through tarnished tears,
Visions verified vainly,
Without weeping when wondering with
You yell, Yapping youth, yippie!
Oh what fun! And how clever.
This was such an unexpected find.
Thank you. At hour thirteen I feel refreshed!