One Percent

content warning: discussion of transphobia and issues facing intersex individuals such as nonconsensual surgery as infants, discussion of wealth inequality and ‘eat the rich’ sentiment

about one percent of the population is trans.
the number is slightly higher in younger generations,
and slightly lower in older ones.
it is called a ‘fad’, a temporary,
if it is even seen that they exist.

about one percent of the population has red hair
but you don’t see people arguing
that they should be outlawed,
denied essential medical care,
given incorrect treatment.

about one percent of the population is intersex
and they are considered aberrations,
flaws that should not exist,
babies given surgery that isn’t considered
genital mutilation
when it should be.

about one percent of the population is 77,530,000 –
more than live in germany
less than live in france –
and you don’t see people saying
french people don’t exist
or that german people don’t deserve rights

about one percent of the population is wealthy,
and one percent of those people have so much money
they can’t spend it faster than it appears in their bank account.
somehow this is admirable,
to just exist and have money appear,
to buy everything you desire,
and to do nothing with it,
to watch people suffer.

about one percent of the population is enough
to be deserving of the same rights as everyone else,
to be considered ‘people’.
and yet, somehow,
we’re still fighting a battle
that shouldn’t have ever existed.

One thought on “One Percent

  1. This is so heartfelt … and true. May I add my two cents’ worth? Those who claim to embrace Christianity and love ALL … except those who are “different.”
    You are right.
    I love the lines, “we’re still fighting a battle that shouldn’t have ever existed.”
    I revert to my hippie days and close with, “Peace, love and understanding!”

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