Come to the place where nature’s blessings flow
We’ll settle in a life long left behind
To play the music fast, and sing it slow
The world outside may scream and fall apart
But it can’t hurt us living in the past.
Reality’s become a crazy show.
We’ll take the modern world and hit rewind
Come to the place where nature’s blessings flow
Forget the world and all its many cares
They’ll kill themselves just fine without us there
We’ll tend the crops, we’ll reap, and plant, and hoe
We’ll live the simple life and still find time
To play the music fast, and sing it slow
And if they bomb the cities flat at last
We’ll sell our goods to any who come past.
The two of us need fear no friend or foe
No threats or enmity of any kind
Come to the place where nature’s blessings flow
No duty have we but to us alone
We didn’t make this planet a warzone
We’ll live in peace, and never need to go
We’ll set the pace, and it will be just fine
To play the music fast, and sing it slow
The world could end and we would never know
The perfect spot to live well and unwind
Come to the place where nature’s blessings flow
To play the music fast, and sing it slow
Form: Grá Reformata
Prompt: The video in this post. I expect I’ve completely misrepresented the song, sorry – I was listening to the mood rather than the words, and I’ve long wanted to write about the dark side of self-sufficiency.
This form is tricky. I should have given it more than one hour.
no worries – you can revisit and revise after the marathon; but I’d say it’s a very strong start. And the song is just there as a jumping-off place, not for you to write a literal response or critique. So you did just fine!!! I very much enjoyed reading your work. Keep it up.
Thank you. Part of the reason I like these marathons is that they force me to overcome my perfectionism.
Nice post-apocalyptic vibe you got going there. I can’t believe the firms are getting more complex. For future reference I recommend (if you’re planning on participating in this crazy chaos again) that you do all the mega made forms first while your brain still functioning & not running on empty

No wonder you were occasionally late posting / feeling stressed. There should be an additional certificate for your to account for the extra degree of difficulty you imposed on yourself