I live on cold concrete,
But that’s okay with me.
I am more content than the rich.
I am poor, broke and lonely.
I tried to live in a house,
But it required too much stress,
I hated buying everything,
I worked and dressed my life to impress.
I bought a sexy, muscular husband,
I decided to buy an expensive car,
I just couldn’t deal,
My mind got lost and disappeared far.
I worked and invested my money,
I even saved it in the bank,
But those dollar signs
Molded me dry like an empty gas tank.
I am happy without money,
I don’t have to eat,
I travel one area to the next,
And be surprised with a good treat.
I don’t plan to be anything,
Not bold or rich, just boneless,
I am not many things if anything,
I am happy and homeless.