Recipe Poem: How to stay married

Ingredients needed

Anchor (staying power)

Eraser (forgiveness)

Yoga instructor (maintaining flexibility)

Prayer shawl (you will pray,  a lot)

Writing time (makes all the rest work better)

The main ingredient for this recipe is the anchor,  the staying power.  It must be added at each stage of the recipe.  If not the others will not work as well.

The eraser will be used as needed.  Erase any unwanted additives that come along and give a bitter taste.

Your yoga instructor should be utilized often.. you have to remain flexible and able to handle situations that arise.  If you are not your anchor will not hold and the eraser will fall behind the sofa and you won’t be able to reach it.

Keep your prayer shawl handy for quick additions when it seems that nothing is working as it should.  Pray.  Prayer works in every situation.

And then make time to write. It brings all the other ingredients together and makes them work.    It will remind you life can be edited.  Grab the eraser and edit.  It will also remind you that you are not perfect and make you much more flexible with someone else’s short comings.  It will also make you practice prayer,  because there will always be that one line that will not come when you want it.  It will also anchor you to the world around you and in you and you will feel safe enough to stay.

When all of these things are working together.  You can stay married and it will be a beautiful journey.

41 years and counting.  🙂




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