My name is Leslie Simon. I’ve been writing poetry since I was a young girl. Whenever I felt deep emotions, I had to write it down in a poem. It was cathartic for me, as it is for most writers.
It wasn’t until I was 70 that I decided to publish my poems. My book is Pieces of My Heart. In it, I tell my journey of going through the heartbreak of depression, healing, recovery and finally reaching a celebration of life.
In addition to writing, I am also an avid quilter. I was inspired by my poems to sew a quilt for each one to evoke emotions that I expressed. In the book the quilts are the illustrations for each poem. The book is quite unique and it’s received very flattering reviews. I am so proud that my book appeared in The New York Times and most delighted that I had the extreme pleasure to read at MoMA.
I’m joining the 24 hour Marathon to hone my skills and just to have fun being part of this challenge.
Wow! Quilting a poem! How beautiful. Looking forward to writing with you.
thank you for saying you like the poem/quilts