EmoGirl vs. EmeGirl
“ I saw mountains, how high?” Imani Ruz
EmoGirl shy in the corner
not easy to make friends with at first.
Until you see her true potential
hear her words speak honesty.
EmoGirl doesn’t sit at home
in front of screens,
get fat on bon bons.
She’s busy writing, reading, living
to feel sorry for herself.
EmoGirl isn’t a #1 fan, doesn’t have to say she is.
Won’t stalk him, lie about him with other’s opinions,
fake herself friends, steal pictures from someone else’s
social media.
EmoGirl won’t have more handles than she can count.
She has one and a handle on her own life,
lives it inside her own pictures.
Emogirl doesn’t ask for self pity,
her mom died too.
She celebrates her mom.
Knows her mom didn’t want a wake
or funeral.
Wanted the people who loved her
to do so when she’s alive not dead.
EmoGirl wants this too for herself.
EmoGirl knows mental illnesses
Emotional breakdowns
What’s wrong in the world,
but never once does she pull down someone else’s success
to burn them.
She celebrates in the company of others.
EmoGirl doesn’t see mountains as obstacles,
she’s far too busy rising from the flames
to set any fires.
EmoGirl pushes record, screenshots the lies
so tomorrow will see the hidden truth and learn from it.