Another part of this life is finding someone else to love who can do you no harm and sends you love poems and gifts as meaningless as a prize from a Cracker Jack box. Perhaps the gift costs more money and is needed. Do prizes come with Cracker Jack now? Who loves me, not a cat or a dog. I have neither, just a pair of stuffed turtles, one beige, one brown. One is Sandy, the other Coco. Both sit on top of a bookcase glancing across my apartment seeing the clutter and even worse. These were meaningless gifts from someone I love. He loves me, too, but we live apart, never see one another, seldom speak. One year for Valentine’s day he sent me a strawberry cheesecake from Junior’s, but I was seriously trying to lose weight and I could not keep it in my home, called and gave it to a family who had no such qualms and could enjoy it. Alone, I would have had it all to myself, the greedy, needy child. Last year I received an Easter lily which I liked. This year he sent me a camera for Easter. I never asked for it. Two months later the box is opened, but I have not even tried to use it. I never had a visual gift. Do these gifts mean he loves me? I don’t know if I love him or his gifts.