Gonna pour me some lavender,
thick dried globs,
a little oil,
and try out that new bath tub.
Brass ceramic handles,
black etched cold and hot
watch the steam lift from
tub to handles
sniff the gentle air,
and I’ll be thinking of you
my dear
my darling husband
And remember how I took
every last bottle,
with dust and grime on neck and
bottle stem,
took those bottles and smashed
each, against the limestone,
tinkling glass, whack and thump
of thick glass
with the last dregs bleeding out from
every curvature of the bottles
Do you think you’ll miss the 80 Proof,
or 100, or even the poiteen?
instead I’ll be laying soaking up the bubbles,
my toes above the bubble line,
enjoying my herbal tea, my drink of choice.